Imagine a version of Backbone.js where each piece (model, view, collection, etc) is its own GitHub repository and npm module with good, unified documentation (and yes, npm is wonderful for frontend code).
But, it’s not just that. We added features to some of those pieces and replaced others entirely but if you know Backbone.js you’ll feel at home.
Companies like WhatsApp, FlipKart, and others have shipped apps at incredible scale using various Ampersand modules.
There is no “core” module. You npm install
only what you need.
We didn’t set out to make a framework. &yet has been using this toolset to build apps for clients and ourselves for years (i.e. Talky). Eventually we documented and released it with an MIT license.
Ampersand.js was heavily influenced by the Node.js community and pairs well with teams that already use Node.js.
We support modern browsers (for IE that means IE9+).
If you don’t actively fight for simplicity in software, complexity will win, and it will suck.
Henrik Joreteg introduces practical patterns for powerfully simple application development. Human Javascript offers a practical way to write JS.
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